Goal: construct a set of molecular pairs that can be used to compare similarity methods to each other.
The earlier version of this notebook (http://rdkit.blogspot.ch/2013/10/building-similarity-comparison-set-goal.html or https://github.com/greglandrum/rdkit_blog/blob/master/notebooks/Building%20A%20Similarity%20Comparison%20Set.ipynb)included a number of molecules that have counterions (from salts). Because this isn't really what we're interested in (and because the single-atom fragments that make up many salts triggered a bug in the RDKit's Morgan fingerprint implementation), I repeat the analysis here and restrict it to single-fragment molecules (those that do not include a .
in the SMILES).
The other big difference from the previous post is that an updated version of ChEMBL is used; this time it's ChEMBL21.
I want to start with molecules that have some connection to each other, so I will pick pairs that have a baseline similarity: a Tanimoto similarity using count based Morgan0 fingerprints of at least 0.7. I also create a second set of somewhat more closely related molecules where the baseline similarity is 0.6 with a Morgan1 fingerprint. Both thresholds were selected empirically.
Note: this notebook and the data it uses/generates can be found in the github repo: https://github.com/greglandrum/rdkit_blog
I'm going to use ChEMBL as my data source, so I'll start by adding a table with Morgan0 fingerprints that only contains molecules with molwt<=600 and a single fragment (we recognize this because there is no '.' in the SMILES):
chembl_21=# select molregno,morgan_fp(m,0) mfp0 into table rdk.tfps_smaller from rdk.mols
join compound_properties using (molregno)
join compound_structures using (molregno)
where mw_monoisotopic<=600 and canonical_smiles not like '%.%';
SELECT 1372487
chembl_21=# create index sfps_mfp0_idx on rdk.tfps_smaller using gist(mfp0);
And now I'll build the set of pairs using Python. This is definitely doable in SQL, but my SQL-fu isn't that strong.
Start by getting a set of 35K random small molecules with MW<=600:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit import rdBase
import time
import psycopg2
cn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='chembl_21')
curs = cn.cursor()
curs.execute('select molregno,m from rdk.mols join rdk.tfps_smaller using (molregno) order by random() limit 35000')
qs = curs.fetchall()
And now find one neighbor for 25K of those from the mfp0 table of smallish molecules:
curs.execute('set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.7')
for i,row in enumerate(qs):
curs.execute('select molregno,m from rdk.mols join (select molregno from rdk.tfps_smaller where mfp0%%morgan_fp(%s,0) '
'and molregno!=%s limit 1) t2 using (molregno)',(row[1],row[0]))
d = curs.fetchone()
if not d: continue
if len(keep)==25000: break
if not i%1000: print('Done: %d'%i)
Finally, write those out to a file so that we can use them elsewhere:
import gzip
outf = gzip.open('../data/chembl21_25K.pairs.txt.gz','wb+')
for idx1,smi1,idx2,smi2 in keep: outf.write(('%d %s %d %s\n'%(idx1,smi1,idx2,smi2)).encode('UTF-8'))
Early analysis of the data¶
Start by loading the pairs from the file we saved and creating RDKit molecules from them
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
import gzip
for row in gzip.open('../data/chembl21_25K.pairs.txt.gz').readlines():
row = row.split()
row[1] = Chem.MolFromSmiles(row[1])
row[3] = Chem.MolFromSmiles(row[3])
Look at some pairs:
t = []
for x in rows[:5]:
Take a look at property distributions.¶
Each plot below contains two histograms. The one in blue is for the first set of molecules, the one in green is for the neighbor molecules.
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors
mws = [(Descriptors.MolWt(x[1]),Descriptors.MolWt(x[3])) for x in rows]
nrots = [(Descriptors.NumRotatableBonds(x[1]),Descriptors.NumRotatableBonds(x[3])) for x in rows]
logps = [(Descriptors.MolLogP(x[1]),Descriptors.MolLogP(x[3])) for x in rows]
%pylab inline
_=hist(([x for x,y in mws],[y for x,y in mws]),bins=20,histtype='bar')
_=hist(([x for x,y in logps],[y for x,y in logps]),bins=20,histtype='bar')
_=hist(([x for x,y in nrots],[y for x,y in nrots]),bins=20,histtype='bar')
xlabel('num rotatable bonds')
and a histogram of the similarities we used to construct the set
from rdkit import DataStructs
from rdkit.Chem import rdMolDescriptors
sims = [DataStructs.TanimotoSimilarity(rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(x[1],0),rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(x[3],0)) for x in rows]
xlabel('MFP0 sims within pairs')
compare to MFP2 similarity (more on this in a later post)
sims2 = [DataStructs.TanimotoSimilarity(rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(x[1],2),rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(x[3],2)) for x in rows]
xlabel('MFP0 sim')
ylabel('MFP2 sim')
Look at the distribution of MFP0 similarities in random molecule pairs (more on this in a later post)
import random
idxs = list(range(len(rows)))
ms1 = [x[1] for x in rows]
ms2 = [rows[x][3] for x in idxs]
sims = [DataStructs.TanimotoSimilarity(rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(x,0),rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(y,0)) for x,y in zip(ms1,ms2)]
xlabel('MFP0 sim in random pairs')
cn = None
Try molecules that are a bit more similar.¶
Use a similarity threshold for the pairs using MFP1 bits.
As above, start by adding a table with Morgan1 fingerprints for the smaller molecules:
chembl_21=# select molregno,morgan_fp(m,1) mfp1 into table rdk.tfps1_smaller from rdk.mols
join compound_properties using (molregno)
join compound_structures using (molregno)
where mw_monoisotopic<=600 and canonical_smiles not like '%.%';
SELECT 1372487
chembl_21=# create index sfps_mfp1_idx on rdk.tfps1_smaller using gist(mfp1);
import psycopg2
cn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='chembl_21')
curs = cn.cursor()
curs.execute('select molregno,m from rdk.mols join rdk.tfps1_smaller using (molregno) order by random() limit 35000')
qs = curs.fetchall()
And loop to find the pairs:
curs.execute('set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.6')
for i,row in enumerate(qs):
curs.execute('select molregno,m from rdk.mols join (select molregno from rdk.tfps1_smaller where mfp1%%morgan_fp(%s,1) '
'and molregno!=%s limit 1) t2 using (molregno)',(row[1],row[0]))
d = curs.fetchone()
if not d: continue
if len(keep)==25000: break
if not i%1000: print('Done: %d'%i)
import gzip
outf = gzip.open('../data/chembl21_25K.mfp1.pairs.txt.gz','wb+')
for idx1,smi1,idx2,smi2 in keep: outf.write(('%d %s %d %s\n'%(idx1,smi1,idx2,smi2)).encode('UTF-8'))
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
import gzip
for row in gzip.open('../data/chembl21_25K.mfp1.pairs.txt.gz').readlines():
row = row.split()
row[1] = Chem.MolFromSmiles(row[1])
row[3] = Chem.MolFromSmiles(row[3])
if len(rows)>100: break # we aren't going to use all the pairs, so there's no sense in reading them all in
t = []
for x in rows[:5]:
I won't repeat the property analysis for this set. These pairs will also be useful later though.
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