This one has been on the back burner for quite a while. When Pat Lorton was working on the initial version of gpusimilarity and his presentation for the 2018 RDKit UGM he dealt with the limited amount of memory available on GPUs by loading highly folded fingerprints into the GPU, retrieving extra compounds for a TopN query, and then rescoring those compounds using full-sized fingerprints. I wanted to go back and look at the same problem again from the perspective of a threshold similarity query - i.e. "give me all of the results that have a similarity above my threshold" - instead of the TopN query - i.e. "give me the N nearest neighbors in the database" - Pat was looking at.
This blog post starts that. I'm not going to take a more general approach and look at the impact of fingerprint size on search results and performance at various threshold levels. I'm not going to actually use gpusimilarity in this particular post, but hopefully I will get to that in the future.
This post ended up being longer than I thought it was going to be... here's an overview of the pieces:
- Look at the impact of folding on computed similarity values. link
- Look at the impact of folding on the number of results returned by a similarity search. link
- How many hits do we miss by folding the fingerprints? link
- How many extra hits do we retrieve when folding the fingerprints? link
- Performance: what impact does fingerprint size have on search times in PostgreSQL? link
- Performance: what impact does fingerprint size have on search times using FPSim2? link
The TL;DR summary: When working with the RDKit's Morgan2 fingerprint (MFP2), I think it's reasonable to fold the fingerprints down to 128 bits, particularly when using higher similarity thresholds. This balances the number of hits missed against the number of extra hits retrieved and can result in significant performance improvements when using a specialized search tool like FPSim2. The smaller fingerprints - 128 bit fingerprints are 1/16th the size of 2048 bit fingerprints - are faster to read from storage and allow us to fit considerably more fingerprints in the same amount of memory, which is particularly helpful with GPUs.
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdMolDescriptors
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from rdkit import RDLogger
from rdkit import rdBase
from rdkit import DataStructs
import pickle
import time
import gzip
%pylab inline
Impact of fingerprint size on computed similarity¶
Start by looking at the impact of increased fingerprint folding - decreasing fingerprint size - on similarity values.
For this I use the similarity comparison set that I put together a few years ago. I'm more interested in the impact on molecules that have a reasonable similiarty to each other, so I'm using the set of pairs that have tanimoto similarity of at least 0.6 with the Morgan1 fingerprint.
Generate the similarity values for multiple bit counts:
for row in'../data/chembl21_25K.mfp1.pairs.txt.gz').readlines():
row = row.split()
row[1] = Chem.MolFromSmiles(row[1])
row[3] = Chem.MolFromSmiles(row[3])
sims = defaultdict(list)
for i,row in enumerate(rows):
m1 = row[1]
m2 = row[3]
fp1 = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(m1,2)
fp2 = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprint(m2,2)
for bitsize in (64, 128, 256, 512,1024,2048,4096):
fp1 = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(m1,2,nBits=bitsize)
fp2 = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(m2,2,nBits=bitsize)
if not (i+1)%5000: print("Done:",i+1)
And then plot histograms to show how much the similarity changes relatively to the 4096 bit fingerprint for the different bit counts.
Positive values indicate that the folded fingerprint yields a higher similarity
I include the histogram twice: once with a linear y axis and once with a log y axis so that the behavior at the edges is more visible.
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
diffs = []
for bcount in bcounts:
hist(diffs,label=[str(x) for x in bcounts],bins=20);
title('delta similarity');
hist(diffs,label=[str(x) for x in bcounts],bins=20,log=True);
title('MFP2: delta similarity');
Clear (and generally unsurprising) conclusion from this: folding the fingerprints tends to increase computed similarity values. Going all the way down to 64bits does so dramatically.
It's also worth looking at how much the folding changes the ranking of similarities. This is where I may get into trouble with people who are better at stats than I am, but I think the right metric for this is Spearman's rank correlation coefficient:
from scipy import stats
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
for bcount in bcounts:
r,p = stats.spearmanr(sims[bcount],sims[4096])
print(f"{bcount} bits: r={r:.3f} p={p:.3g}")
It's nice to see how high these are. Even the super-short 64 bit fingerprints maintain the ranking of these pairs reasonably well.
In another blog post I showed that the Morgan2 fingerprint sets comparatively few bits compared to some of the other fingerprints available in the RDKit: compare ~50 bits per molecule with MFP2 with the ~1000 bits per molecule set by the RDKit fingerprint.
I assume that the higher bit densities of the RDKit fingerprint will cause similarity values to increase more rapidly as the fingerprint is folded.
Let's test that assumption:
rdksims = defaultdict(list)
for i,row in enumerate(rows):
m1 = row[1]
m2 = row[3]
for bitsize in (64, 128, 256, 512,1024,2048,4096):
fp1 = Chem.RDKFingerprint(m1,fpSize=bitsize)
fp2 = Chem.RDKFingerprint(m2,fpSize=bitsize)
if not (i+1)%5000: print("Done:",i+1)
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
diffs = []
for bcount in bcounts:
hist(diffs,label=[str(x) for x in bcounts],bins=20);
title('delta similarity');
hist(diffs,label=[str(x) for x in bcounts],bins=20,log=True);
title('RDKit: delta similarity');
The Spearman coefficients here show how quickly things degrade:
from scipy import stats
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
for bcount in bcounts:
r,p = stats.spearmanr(rdksims[bcount],rdksims[4096])
print(f"{bcount} bits: r={r:.3f} p={p:.3g}")
Clearly the RDKit fingerprints generated with the default parameters are not the ideal candidates to be folded into super-short fingerprints.
Impact on similarity searching¶
Let's move on to looking at the impact shorter fingerprints have on similarity searching, specifically the number of results retrieved for queries using different similarity cutoffs.
Our test database for this is the SDF from ChEMBL27. I downloaded this directly from the ChEMBL website.
Read in that SDF and generate MFP2 fingerprints:
import pickle, time, gzip
gz = gzip.GzipFile('/home/glandrum/Downloads/chembl_27.sdf.gz')
suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(gz)
data = []
for i,mol in enumerate(suppl):
if not ((i+1)%50000):
print(f"Processed {i+1} molecules in {(time.time()-t1):.1f} seconds")
if mol is None or mol.GetNumAtoms()>70:
fp = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol,2,nBits=4096)
smi = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
print(f"Processed {len(data)} molecules in {(t2-t1):.1f} seconds")
Save those to disk so that we don't have to do that work again
data = pickle.load(open('../data/chembl27_fps.pkl','rb'))
Our queries are the set of "very active" compounds (compounds with subnanomolar measured Ki values) I previously collected from ChEMBL26.
gz = gzip.GzipFile('../data/chembl26_very_active.sdf.gz')
suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(gz)
queries = []
for i,mol in enumerate(suppl):
if not ((i+1)%50000):
print(f"Processed {i+1} molecules in {(time.time()-t1):.1f} seconds")
if mol is None or mol.GetNumAtoms()>70:
fp = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol,2,nBits=4096)
smi = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
print(f"Processed {len(queries)} molecules in {(t2-t1):.1f} seconds")
Now collect the data. We'll use 1000 randomly selected queries against the first million pubchem compounds.
We try a variety of different fingerprint sizes along with different similarity thresholds. For each threshold/size combination we keep track of the number of neighbors found for each query as well as the number of missing neighbors (neighbors found at that threshold with a 4096 bit fingerprint that were not found with the folded fingerprint).
import random
dsize = 1000000
nQueries = 1000
from collections import defaultdict
def fold_fp(fp,sz):
return DataStructs.FoldFingerprint(fp,fp.GetNumBits()//sz)
thresholds = [0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9]
sizes = [64,128,256,512,1024,2048]
results = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(list))
missed = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(list))
dbfps = [x[-1] for x in data[:dsize]]
for sz in sizes:
print(f'Doing fp len {sz}')
tfps = []
print('\t folding')
for cid,smi,fp in data[:dsize]:
print('\t running queries')
for qcid,qsmi,qfp in queries[:nQueries]:
nqfp = fold_fp(qfp,sz)
sims = DataStructs.BulkTanimotoSimilarity(nqfp,tfps)
osims = DataStructs.BulkTanimotoSimilarity(qfp,dbfps)
for thresh in thresholds:
oindices = set(i for (i,x) in enumerate(osims) if x>=thresh)
if sz==sizes[0]:
indices = set(i for (i,x) in enumerate(sims) if x>=thresh)
cnt = len(indices)
that took a while to run, so save the results
dres = {}
for k in results:
dres[k] = dict(results[k])
dmissed = {}
for k in missed:
dmissed[k] = dict(missed[k])
results,missed = pickle.load(open('../data/size_and_neighbors_results.mfp2.pkl','rb'))
Comparing the the number of neighbors retrieved¶
To get a sense of what the data look like, pick a couple of threshold values and do a direct comparison of the number of neighbors found at the other bit counts with the number found at 4096 bits.
thresh = 0.9
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
mv = max(results[xv][thresh])
xlabel(f'{xv} bits')
ylabel(f'{yv} bits');
title(f'number of neighbors, thresh={thresh:0.1f}');
Do the same thing with a threshold of 0.6
thresh = 0.6
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
mv = max(results[xv][thresh])
xlabel(f'{xv} bits')
ylabel(f'{yv} bits');
title(f'number of neighbors, thresh={thresh:0.1f}');
We can see here that the more folded fingerprints tend to yield more neighors at a given threshold. This makese sense given what we saw above, which is that similarity values tend to be higher as fingerprints are folded.
It's also clear, though not super surprising, that the 64 bit fingerprint isn't going to be useful with low similarity thresholds: we just get way too many extra hits.
How many hits do we miss?¶
thresh = 0.8
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
hist([missed[x][0.8] for x in bcounts],log='true', label=[str(x) for x in bcounts]);
title(f'number of neighbors missed, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
thresh = 0.7
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
hist([missed[x][thresh] for x in bcounts],log='true', label=[str(x) for x in bcounts]);
title(f'number of neighbors missed, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
thresh = 0.6
bcounts = (2048,1024,512,256,128,64)
hist([missed[x][thresh] for x in bcounts],log='true', label=[str(x) for x in bcounts]);
title(f'number of neighbors missed, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
Look at result counts where hits were missed
thresh = 0.9
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
tresx = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[xv][thresh]) if missed[yv][thresh][i]]
tresy = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[yv][thresh]) if missed[yv][thresh][i]]
tresr = [20*x for i,x in enumerate(missed[yv][thresh]) if x]
mv = max(tresx)
#xlabel(f'{xv} bits')
ylabel(f'{yv} bits');
title(f'number of neighbors, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
thresh = 0.7
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
tresx = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[xv][thresh]) if missed[yv][thresh][i]]
tresy = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[yv][thresh]) if missed[yv][thresh][i]]
tresr = [20*x for i,x in enumerate(missed[yv][thresh]) if x]
mv = max(tresx)
#xlabel(f'{xv} bits')
ylabel(f'{yv} bits');
title(f'number of neighbors, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
thresh = 0.6
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
tresx = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[xv][thresh]) if missed[yv][thresh][i]]
tresy = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[yv][thresh]) if missed[yv][thresh][i]]
tresr = [20*x for i,x in enumerate(missed[yv][thresh]) if x]
mv = max(tresx)
sc = scatter(tresx,tresy,tresr)
#xlabel(f'{xv} bits')
ylabel(f'{yv} bits');
title(f'number of neighbors, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
Efficiency, look at the number of extra hits¶
thresh = 0.9
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
delt = [x-results[xv][thresh][i] for i,x in enumerate(results[yv][thresh])]
tresx = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[xv][thresh]) if delt[i]>=0]
tresy = [x for i,x in enumerate(delt) if x>=0]
mv = max(tresx)
ylabel(f'extra hits');
title(f'extra hits with {yv} bits, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
thresh = 0.7
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
delt = [x-results[xv][thresh][i] for i,x in enumerate(results[yv][thresh])]
tresx = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[xv][thresh]) if delt[i]>=0]
tresy = [x for i,x in enumerate(delt) if x>=0]
mv = max(tresx)
ylabel(f'extra hits');
title(f'extra hits with {yv} bits, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
thresh = 0.6
for i,yv in enumerate(bcounts):
xv = 4096
delt = [x-results[xv][thresh][i] for i,x in enumerate(results[yv][thresh])]
tresx = [x for i,x in enumerate(results[xv][thresh]) if delt[i]>=0]
tresy = [x for i,x in enumerate(delt) if x>=0]
mv = max(tresx)
ylabel(f'extra hits');
title(f'extra hits with {yv} bits, thresh={thresh:.1f}');
This makes it even more obvious that the 64bit fingerprints are just too short. 128 bits seems to be a good balance.
Performance impact of FP size¶
In PostgreSQL¶
Here we're using slightly different datasets: the database is the full ChEMBL26 (instead of the first million molecules in ChEMBL27) and the queries are 1000 molecules randomly selected from ChEMBL26.
Start by setting up the tables with the different fingerprint sizes:
chembl_26=# set rdkit.morgan_fp_size=2048;
Time: 0.335 ms
chembl_26=# select molregno,morganbv_fp(m) as mfp2 into rdk.fps2048 from rdk.mols;
SELECT 1940732
Time: 115226.927 ms (01:55.227)
chembl_26=# set rdkit.morgan_fp_size=128;
Time: 0.140 ms
chembl_26=# select molregno,morganbv_fp(m) as mfp2 into rdk.fps128 from rdk.mols;
SELECT 1940732
Time: 105524.382 ms (01:45.524)
chembl_26=# \dt+ rdk.fps2048;
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description
rdk | fps2048 | table | glandrum | 562 MB |
(1 row)
chembl_26=# \dt+ rdk.fps128;
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description
rdk | fps128 | table | glandrum | 112 MB |
(1 row)
chembl_26=# create index fps128_mfp2_idx on rdk.fps128 using gist(mfp2);
Time: 25325.528 ms (00:25.326)
chembl_26=# set rdkit.morgan_fp_size=2048;
Time: 0.154 ms
chembl_26=# create index fps2048_mfp2_idx on rdk.fps2048 using gist(mfp2);
Time: 195260.817 ms (03:15.261)
Now create the tables with 1000 randomly chosen queries:
chembl_26=# select * into table rdk.tmpqs2048 from rdk.fps2048 tablesample system(0.1) limit 1000;
Time: 14.196 ms
chembl_26=# select fps.* into table rdk.tmpqs128 from rdk.fps128 fps join rdk.tmpqs2048 using (molregno);
Time: 134.327 ms
Run the 2048 bit and 128 bit queries:
chembl_26=# create or replace function get_count2048(qfp2 bfp) returns table(cnt bigint) as
select count(*) from rdk.fps2048 tbl where tbl.mfp2%qfp2;
$$ language sql stable;
Time: 67.197 ms
chembl_26=# set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.9;
Time: 0.132 ms
chembl_26=# select min(cnt),max(cnt),avg(cnt) from (select get_count2048(mfp2) cnt from rdk.tmpqs2048) tmp;
min | max | avg
1 | 49 | 1.5690000000000000
(1 row)
Time: 33572.026 ms (00:33.572)
chembl_26=# set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.7;
Time: 0.419 ms
chembl_26=# select min(cnt),max(cnt),avg(cnt) from (select get_count2048(mfp2) cnt from rdk.tmpqs2048) tmp;
min | max | avg
1 | 737 | 9.3190000000000000
(1 row)
Time: 99049.256 ms (01:39.049)
chembl_26=# set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.6;
Time: 0.393 ms
chembl_26=# select min(cnt),max(cnt),avg(cnt) from (select get_count2048(mfp2) cnt from rdk.tmpqs2048) tmp;
min | max | avg
1 | 1274 | 28.0480000000000000
(1 row)
Time: 182964.348 ms (03:02.964)
chembl_26=# create or replace function get_count128(qfp2 bfp) returns table(cnt bigint) as
select count(*) from rdk.fps128 tbl where tbl.mfp2%qfp2;
$$ language sql stable;
Time: 67.593 ms
chembl_26=# set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.9;
Time: 0.389 ms
chembl_26=# select min(cnt),max(cnt),avg(cnt) from (select get_count128(mfp2) cnt from rdk.tmpqs128) tmp;
min | max | avg
1 | 255 | 2.1610000000000000
(1 row)
Time: 44760.287 ms (00:44.760)
chembl_26=# set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.7;
Time: 0.145 ms
chembl_26=# select min(cnt),max(cnt),avg(cnt) from (select get_count128(mfp2) cnt from rdk.tmpqs128) tmp;
min | max | avg
1 | 2046 | 31.8120000000000000
(1 row)
Time: 107402.701 ms (01:47.403)
chembl_26=# set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.6;
Time: 0.112 ms
chembl_26=# select min(cnt),max(cnt),avg(cnt) from (select get_count128(mfp2) cnt from rdk.tmpqs128) tmp;
min | max | avg
1 | 8956 | 170.5990000000000000
(1 row)
Time: 126819.459 ms (02:06.819)
Finally check what happens if we turn off the index and just do a sequential scan:
chembl_26=# set enable_bitmapscan=off;
Time: 0.353 ms
chembl_26=# set enable_indexscan=off;
Time: 0.351 ms
chembl_26=# select min(cnt),max(cnt),avg(cnt) from (select get_count128(mfp2) cnt from rdk.tmpqs128) tmp;
min | max | avg
1 | 12201 | 84.1850000000000000
(1 row)
Time: 1120514.600 ms (18:40.515)
Ouch, don't want to do that!
Summarize that¶
Here's a summary of the runtime (in seconds) to run the 1000 queries for different thresholds and number of bits:
Threshold | 2048 bits | 128 bits |
0.9 | 33.6 | 44.8 |
0.7 | 99.0 | 107.4 |
0.6 | 183.0 | 126.8 |
What's interesting here is that the 128 bit fingerprint only becomes faster than the 2048 bit fingerprint when the similarity threshold is low. I haven't dug into this (yet?), but I guess the less computationally intensive searches with the shorter fingerprints are being outweighed by less-accurate index results,
Using FPSim2¶
FPSim2 is an interesting project from Eloy and the ChEMBL team to allow fast similarity searching with either a CPU or a GPU. I haven't really tried it out before, so I figured I would do it as part of this post.
After installing FPSim2 I created db files for both 2048 and 128 bit Morgan2 fingerprints for the ChEMBL27 compounds by following the instructions in the FPSim2 docs.
Now let's do some searches:
import time
from FPSim2 import FPSim2Engine
import numpy as np
queries = [x.split() for x in open('../data/chembl26_1000simqueries.txt').readlines()]
On-disk queries¶
Start by doing on-disk queries. We wouldn't normally do this unless the dataset was huge, but it's worth establishing a baseline:
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.2048.h5',in_memory_fps=False)
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.on_disk_similarity(smi,thresh,n_workers=1)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts)} max={max(cnts)} avg={np.average(cnts)}")
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts128 = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.128.h5',in_memory_fps=False)
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.on_disk_similarity(smi,thresh,n_workers=1)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts128)} max={max(cnts128)} avg={np.average(cnts128)}")
The 128 bit times here aren't that terrible, but the 2048 bit queries are slow (slower than PostgreSQL is, for example).
In-memory queries¶
This time load the fingerprints into memory and then search them. I imagine that this is a more normal mode for working with FPSim2. The results are, of course, be significantly faster:
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.2048.h5')
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.similarity(smi,thresh)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts)} max={max(cnts)} avg={np.average(cnts)}")
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.128.h5')
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.similarity(smi,thresh)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts)} max={max(cnts)} avg={np.average(cnts)}")
The 128 bit fingerprints are still quite a bit faster than then 2048 bit fingerprints. We're really seeing the benefit of not having to do as much work when calculating similarities here.
Multi-threaded queries¶
FPSim2 lets us do multi-threaded queries when working with fingerprints in-memory. Try that out:
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.2048.h5')
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.similarity(smi,thresh, n_workers=4)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts)} max={max(cnts)} avg={np.average(cnts)}")
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.2048.h5')
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.similarity(smi,thresh, n_workers=2)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts)} max={max(cnts)} avg={np.average(cnts)}")
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.128.h5')
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.similarity(smi,thresh,n_workers=4)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts)} max={max(cnts)} avg={np.average(cnts)}")
for thresh in (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6):
cnts = []
t1 = time.time()
fpe = FPSim2Engine('../data/chembl27_mfp2.128.h5')
for mrn,smi in queries:
res = fpe.similarity(smi,thresh,n_workers=2)
t2 = time.time()
print(f"threshold={thresh} time={t2-t1:.2f} min={min(cnts)} max={max(cnts)} avg={np.average(cnts)}")
Summarize the in-memory results
Threshold | Num threads | 2048 bits | 128 bits |
0.9 | 1 | 12.1 | 2.5 |
0.9 | 2 | 8.2 | 2.2 |
0.7 | 1 | 31.2 | 5.7 |
0.7 | 2 | 18.7 | 4.5 |
0.6 | 1 | 38.4 | 7.0 |
0.6 | 2 | 22.9 | 4.9 |
I know Python 2.7 is passé but I released chemfp 1.6.1 last week with improved support for "short" fingerprints - about 50% faster for a top100 search on 128-bits. (chemfp 3.4.1 is a bit faster still.)
If you have a Python 2.7 handy, and an interest, I also added a "python -m FPSim2 export" command so you can export chembl27_mfp2.128.h5 to FPS format and run the timings yourself. (As you likely know given your recent commit.)
FWIW, even older versions of chemfp had special support for 196 bits, because that's the next multiple of 64 bits after the MACCS 166-bits. As a result, searching 192-bits was about 25% faster than searching 128-bits. I can't help but wonder if other tools have similar special-case optimizations for 166/192 bits.
In any case, I'll be writing this up within the next few weeks, once both 1.6.1 and 3.4.1 are out the door.
Nice to see FPSim2 in this blog!
The "on disk" search was slow because the chunkshape of the pytables file was suboptimal. Performance should be much better (2-4 times?) now in 0.2.8. Thanks for comparing it with PostgreSQL!
Already existing fp files can be "fixed" in seconds by running:
from import sort_db_file
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